Gaming Commission

Contact Information:

Nascha Lewis, Chairman
nlewis @

Brittany Jackson, Vice Chairman "Interim"
bjackson @

Chris Jackson, Commissioner
cjackson @

Contact Number


The Tribal Gaming Commission was established by the Jena Band of Choctaw Tribal Council on July 28, 2011. 

The Gaming Commissioners are appointed by the Tribal Council with the composition consisting of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and one (1) Commissioner. The Gaming Commission also employs an Executive Administrative Assistant and other staff to help perform the responsibilities of the Gaming Commission.  The Gaming Commission is an independent body of the Gaming Operation and the Tribal Council. This independence is essential to ensure a well-regulated Gaming Operation.  Our purpose is purely regulatory, not managerial.  The Gaming Commission strives to ensure that all gaming on the Tribe’s Indian Lands is regulated in a manner that adequately protects the environment, the public health, welfare, morals of all persons residing on the Indian Lands, all invitees to the gaming establishment and the Tribe from any adverse effects that may derive from unregulated gaming.

Our mission is to ensure that Tribal property and assets are properly segregated and safeguarded at all times. We carry out the expectations of the Tribe and responsibilities of the Gaming Commission by ensuring that gaming conducted on the Tribes Indian Lands are compliant with Federal Law, Tribal Law, and any applicable State Laws.  The Gaming Commission also performs background investigations on all employees of the gaming operation. It is our responsibility to ensure that all gaming applications are reviewed and scrutinized to ensure that an applicant’s prior activity, criminal record, reputation, habits, and association do not pose a threat to the public interest or the Tribe.  The foundation of the Gaming Commission is Integrity, Fairness, and Impartialness.